JNTU WORLD is one of the best information providing website to the students which are studying under JNTU University. This JNTU WORLD working like alternative for official JNTU site. Thus JNTU WORLD provide all JNTU informations like JNTU HYDERABAD, JNTU KAKINADA, JNTU ANANTAPUR. One best thing from JNTU WORLD is it provides jobs Information to the students. JNTU World updates latest slobus, latest results, latest fee notifications, previous quetion papers which is released from JNTU UNIVERSITY.
This JNTU WORLD is very use full to students to know the all JNTU updates. JNTU WORLD providing all information to their user through emails and sms also this one of the best feature.
JNTU WORLD is one of the best information providing website to the students which are studying under JNTU University. This JNTU WORLD working like alternative for official JNTU site. Thus JNTU WORLD provide all JNTU informations like JNTU HYDERABAD, JNTU KAKINADA, JNTU ANANTAPUR. One best thing from JNTU WORLD is it provides jobs Information to the students. JNTU World updates latest slobus, latest results, latest fee notifications, previous quetion papers which is released from JNTU UNIVERSITY.
This JNTU WORLD is very use full to students to know the all JNTU updates. JNTU WORLD providing all information to their user through emails and sms also this one of the best feature.